Career Services
Welcome to Casper College’s Career Services! Our office is here to help students connect with employers and to support the Wyoming business community by connecting our talented students and alumni with employers.
Services we offer to students and alumni:
- Casper College uses Handshake!
Handshake is an online platform that helps students and alumni connect with employers to find job and intern opportunities. Handshake partners with over 1,400 higher education institutions, including over 260 community and technical colleges. Over 750,000 employers recruit on Handshake, including Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and startups. There is even an App! Current students may use their CC email, alumni may contact Career Services for account access.
- Exploring majors, career paths, or making a career change
- Resume and cover letter creations and editing
- Interview preparation and mock interviews
- Conducting job and volunteer searches
- Researching options for advanced education
- Career readiness and the Career Ready Guide
- The Career Ready Guide is an online course that helps develop skills that employers value. The course is based on the eight NACE career readiness competencies and is designed to help you present yourself professionally. When you complete the guide, you’ll receive a downloadable Certificate of Completion you can share with employers in a job interview, on your LinkedIn page, and/or on your resume!
- To access the guide, click on the blue link above and sign in using your CC login information
- Use the access code: GoTbirds!
You may also schedule an appointment with a Career Services Coordinator: Ashlee Taylor
Community Outreach and Support Programs:
- Post and Find Jobs with Hire WYO! Casper College works in partnership with The Department of Workforces Services (DWS) to help the Wyoming community find work! Sign up for a free account to search for jobs and to learn about other programs and services that DWS can offer you.
- Dress for Success – Casper
- Wyoming 2-1-1 Wyoming 211 connects people to services through a free phone service and searchable online database.
Support we offer employers:
- Get started with Handshake!
- Share flyers with Career Services to share opportunities on the physical Career Services job board located in the Student Success Center
- Email Career Services to join our contact list for upcoming job fairs and other networking and career exploration events exclusively for Wyoming employers. These events are free to attend, but space is limited.
- Healthcare Job Fair – November
- Spring Job Fair – April
Gateway Center, Third Floor in the Success Center
Email Career Services at
307-268-2089 or 800-442-2963 ext. 2089
School Year: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Summer: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
*Closed Thursdays until 10 a.m.*