Donations and Gifts Policies

Donations and Gift Policies

The library welcomes the donation of materials which will enhance our collections and services. The acceptance of donations is contingent upon the appropriateness of the donation to the library’s holdings, donor restrictions, and the physical condition of the donated material.

The Library reserves the right to accept or reject donations, in whole or in part. The library also reserves the right to dispose of unwanted portions of a donation which do not meet our collection development criteria. We also reserve the right to dispose of portions of a previously accepted donation if the material no longer supports the curriculum, is damaged, outdated, etc. Donations offered with restricting conditions will be accepted only at the discretion of the Library Director.

To protect the donor and the college the Library will not appraise gift materials. This policy is endorsed by the American Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries. If desired appraisals by a qualified third party should be sought by the donor. The acceptance of a gift which has been appraised by the donor or a third party does not in any way imply endorsement of the appraisal by the library.

Donations should be brought to the Circulation Desk. For donations amounting to more than ten items, please call the library director to confirm a drop-off date.  A letter of receipt can be provided upon request within a month of the initial donation. Please note that this letter is not an appraisal nor an itemized list, but an acknowledgment of the donation and number of items received.