Title IX and Sexual Misconduct at CC
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in an educational setting. At Casper College we follow Title IX guidelines for investigating and adjudication reports of sexual misconduct. We provide support to all parties involved and work to conclude the process as quickly as possible. It is important that we maintain a safe environment for learning therefore, reporting concerns early is encouraged. If you feel you have been a victim sexual misconduct or discrimination please contact the Title IX Coordinator: Linda Toohey, Linda.toohey@caspercollege.edu, 307-268-2667, Gateway 412.
You can report any instance or Sexual Misconduct or Discrimination by using the online reporting form.
Title IX Team
- Linda Toohey Title IX Coordinator, Vice-President for Student Services
- Rhonda Franzen (Deputy Coordinator), Director of Human Resources
- Corey Peacock (Deputy Coordinator), Dean of Students
- Rachel Chadderdon, Dean of Business and Industry
- Heather Lloyd, Criminal Justice/Law Instructor
- Chelse DePaolo- Lara, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Heather Owens, Student Success Advisor
- Michael Moline, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Jason Eggemeyer, Engineering Technology and Design Instructor
- Lisa Coulter, Nurse Educator
- Jennifer Gallagher, Nurse Educator
- Mason Hall, Online Communications Coordinator and Web Developer
- Liz Dobson, Residence Hall Area Coordinator
- Tracie Bopp, Executive Assistant for Academic Affairs
- Shawna Trujillo, Grants and Special Projects Coordinator
Resources for students:
- Counseling Services – free and confidential = 307-268-2267
- Student Health Services – most services are free = 307-268-2263
- Campus Security – safety escorts, report concerns, etc. = 307-268-2688
- Community resources list available on our Counseling Service web page
Lactation Locations:
Union UW/CC: Room 450
Gateway: Room 209
Krampert Theater: Room 144
Krampert Theater: Room 124
Aley Hall: Room 303C
Library: Room 202F
Library: Room 215
Other resources:
- Training materials for CC’s Title IX team (Google Drive folder)
- ATIXA 2020 regulations