OLLI ‘Throw Us a Bone’ encourages giving

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Casper College is seeking donations through its “Throw Us a Bone” fundraising campaign.
The amount needed is currently less than $1,000 to meet a fundraising goal set by the Bernard Osher Foundation. The goal was part of the requirements for a Capacity Grant OLLI at Casper College received from The Bernard Osher Foundation, according to Jeaneece Schmidt, lifelong learning specialist.
The purpose of a Capacity Grant from the Osher Foundation is to provide sources for individual OLLI institutes in the U.S. to increase membership and support of the local OLLI institutes through donations and sustained giving. OLLI at Casper College was one of several OLLI institutes throughout the U.S. to receive the grant.
“OLLI at Casper College has never asked for donations in the past,” said Schmidt. “With this fundraising drive, OLLI at Casper College is providing an opportunity for donations and trying to raise awareness of the importance of sustained giving,” she added.
The Bernard Osher Foundation has set a deadline of Feb. 28 for OLLI at Casper College to raise the remaining funds. All donations are tax-deductible. To find out more or to donate, contact Schmidt at 307-268-2099 or jeaneece.schmidt@caspercollege.edu or Vicki Pollock, lifelong learning specialist, at 307-268-2097 or vpollock@caspercollege.edu.