Variety of mixed media from Unruh collection on display

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A variety of mixed media creations from the collection of Eric and Gayle Unruh are now on display in the Mildred Zahradnicek Gallery through Thursday, May 14.
The exhibit, “Inspiring Teachers,” represents a selection of the collected works of the Unruhs over several decades. “We have collected works that not only appeal to us but also works that we appreciate and enjoy in our home every day,” said Eric, dean for the School of Fine Arts and Humanities at Casper College.
According to Unruh, the works on display in the Zahradnicek Gallery have roots in the small town of Lindsborg, Kansas, where the Unruhs attended Bethany College. “Lindsborg,” said Eric, is known for its dedication to higher education and as a haven for artists and musicians.”
Artists whose works are on display include Birger Sandzén, Charles B. Rogers, Lee Becker, and Rollin Karg. Visitors will find glassworks, watercolors, woodblock prints, and acrylics on linen canvasses.
“Inspiring Teachers” is free and open to the public. The Mildred Zahradnicek Gallery is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday in the Music Building located on the Casper College campus.