Casper College holds Second Annual Traditional Powwow

By: Lisa S. Icenogle
Image for press release for the Casper College Spring Powwow.

The Casper College Indigenous Student Alliance will host the Second Annual Casper College Traditional Powwow on Saturday, April 20, on the Casper College soccer practice field. The event is free and open to all. The powwow will run from noon to 6 p.m., with the grand entry scheduled at noon. The powwow will feature dancers, singers, and drum groups.

The powwow will include a tiny tot special, sweetheart special, cake walk, and hand games. All singers and dancers are welcome to the event, and the first two drum groups will be paid, according to ISA sponsor and Casper College political science instructor Daniel Gallegos.

Deaners Littleshield will serve as master of ceremonies, and the arena is under the direction of Herman “Manny” Vasquez. War Path and Scout River will provide host drums.

All attending are asked to bring their own chairs. The soccer practice field is located at 780 College Drive.

Media contact: Lisa S. Icenogle

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