New scholarship opportunity opens KEY Camp for more students

A new scholarship opportunity has been extended to families with gifted and intellectually curious students entering the seventh or eighth grade in the fall of 2023.
A grant from the Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board has been awarded to Casper College’s KEY Camp to help those who need financial assistance to send their child to the camp. The application deadline has been extended to Friday, May 12, according to Brittney Good, community education program coordinator.
“This grant completely changes access to KEY Camp. These scholarship funds will help deserving students attend camp when they may not have otherwise been able to,” said Chelse DePaolo-Lara, director of adult education and lifelong learning community education.
KEY, which stands for Knowledge Enrichment for Youth, is a six-day camp with inquiry-based instruction, a stay in the college’s secured Residence Hall, three meals a day, snacks, recreational activities, classroom and laboratory materials, equipment, and technology usage. Qualified instructors, counselors, and a nurse facilitate the college campus experience and extracurricular activities, including swimming at the YMCA, on-campus movie night, socializing at the college’s fire pit, and much more.
Classes this year include “The Science of Proteins,” “Lego Robotics,” “Experimentation Using Chromatography,” “CSI,” “Greek Mythology,” “Printmaking,” “Ancient Number Systems,” “Art with a Smartphone,” “Playwriting,” “Financial Literacy,” “Drones/GIS,” and “American Sign Language.”
“KEY is the only camp in the Casper area that offers an immersive college-life experience. In addition to outdoor fun, crafts, movie night, and team-building activities,” said Good.
Two sessions are available: June 11-16 and 18-23. A teacher recommendation is required, and enrollment is limited. Only completed online applications will be considered and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full. Applications can be found at
For more information, contact Good at 307-268-2770 or