‘Living Along the North Platte River’ at Werner Wildlife Museum

Werner Wildlife Museum Assistant, India Hayford, will present “Living Along the North Platte River” on Thursday, May 18, at 7 p.m. as part of the Werner Wildlife Study Series.
Ms. Hayford will discuss the physical characteristics of the river, its importance to agriculture and communities along its length, and the flora and fauna found along its banks.
Ms. Hayford has been a museum assistant at the Werner Wildlife Museum since 2014. “My professional science background is eclectic, ranging from conducting pre-mining vegetative and raptor surveys in Thunder Basin and Colorado cutthroat trout surveys in the Little Snake River drainage,” she said. Since joining the Werner, Ms. Hayford initiated and continues to produce the quarterly Werner Wildlife Museum newsletter, The Howl. As a teacher for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, OLLI at Casper College, and community education programs, she offers approximately three dozen courses, including art, science, and history classes.
May’s family-friendly event is free and open to the public. The Werner Wildlife Study Series takes place in the Africa-Arctic Room in the museum. For more information, call 307-235-2108 or email indiahayford@caspercollege.edu.
The Werner Wildlife Museum, located off the Casper College campus at 405 E. 15th Street, is free and open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.