Course proposals sought by community ed and OLLI

Is there a topic, hobby, or passion you would like to share with others? If so, the Casper College Community Education Department and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute are accepting proposals now through Wednesday, Jan. 19, for the summer.
Classes range from one hour to six weeks in length and are noncredit, which means no grades, quizzes, or homework. “The mission of Casper College’s Community Education and Lifelong Learning Department is to promote learning for the love of it,” noted Kat Bohr-Buresh, OLLI coordinator.
According to Bohr-Buresh, the community education and lifelong learning staff are eager to see class ideas from those who would like to share their talents with the community. The staff provide free assistance to help with brainstorming ideas, creating curriculum, and structuring classes for those new to teaching.
“Instructors come from all walks of life. They teach a variety of subjects from art to cooking, local lore to world history, animal science to technology, movies to health and fitness, and much more,” Bohr-Buresh noted. All instructors have flexibility in their teaching schedules. The summer term runs from June 1 to Aug. 15, 2022.
Community education classes are for people over the age of 16 who want to learn something new for personal enrichment and growth. OLLI at Casper College is a vibrant learning community for members over 50. OLLI classes must include an education or history component. To submit a proposal, go to