‘Chase the Wind’: juried fine arts and crafts show at CC

The Casper College Werner Wildlife Museum seeks entries for its annual autumn juried fine arts and crafts show. The title for this year’s show is “Chase the Wind.”
Wyoming artists and artisans working in any medium are welcome to submit work. All media are accepted, but in keeping with the theme of wilderness, images featuring humans, domestic animals, feral animals, or trappings of civilization will not be accepted.
A second art show will run concurrently with “Chase the Wind” and feature artwork from Casper College’s permanent collection. Under the guidance of Director of Museums Patti Wood Finkle and instructor of museum studies Valerie Innella-Maiers, Ph.D., students from the museum studies program at Casper College will curate the show by choosing artwork, researching artists, and creating information signs for each piece.
The deadline for entries is Monday, Nov. 22, at 3:30 p.m. The show opening of “Chase the Wind” will be celebrated with an open house Thursday, Dec. 9. The show will be juried by Eileen Lemm, museum assistant and Casper College museum studies students. Both exhibits will run through Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022.
The juried show is open to all residents of Wyoming, Casper College students, faculty, and staff. For more information, guidelines or entry forms, stop by the Werner at 405 East 15th, call 307-235-2108 or email indiahayford@caspercollege.edu.
The Werner Wildlife Museum is free and open to the public and open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.