Popular presenter Larry Cappetto returns to Casper College OLLI

After a long hiatus, popular presenter Larry Cappetto returns to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, OLLI at Casper College, with his class “Capturing Courage on Camera.” The class will take place Thursday, May 27, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The class will feature a behind-the-scenes look at Cappetto’s work on his extensive oral history project, “Lest They Be Forgotten.” “Mr. Cappetto will speak about the history of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, and recount personal testimonies and stories of many of the veterans he has interviewed,” said Vicki Pollock.
“When I started my work at the end of 2002, over 1500 World War II veterans were dying every day in this country. Today there are less than a half-million left. In a few more years, who will tell the story?” asked Cappetto. “There has always been an urgency about my work (as I) capture courage on camera and give a voice to our veterans. I am a better man today thanks to our veterans,” he said.
According to Pollock, lifelong learning specialist, some of the veterans that Cappetto has come to know through the years will join the presentation. Each veteran will share their story with the class. In addition, Cappetto will also share the latest updates on his “Lest They Be Forgotten” project.
The class will be offered in a hybrid format, meaning that participants can choose to attend the class in person or via Zoom. The in-person class is limited to 30 participants, and the live Zoom class is limited to 100 participants. There will be a 1.5-hour break between the morning and afternoon sessions.
Those wishing to sign up for “Capturing Courage on Camera” must have an OLLI membership. According to Pollock, an OLLI guest membership is also available. For those wanting to register or renew their membership, go to caspercollege.augusoft.net/index.cfm?fuseaction=1050. Those wishing to purchase a guest membership should call the OLLI office at 307-268-3401.