A college student’s Election Day voting guide

Please don’t listen to those who say that your vote doesn’t matter because it actually does. In local elections, like those for city council, winners can be determined by just a few votes. Use your privilege and vote.

According to Wyoming’s Secretary of State, Ed Buchanan, there is no threat of foreign interference or a risk to voters of contracting COVID-19 at the polling place. But, he added that misinformation spread by social media sources like Facebook and Twitter are a threat. “We have mechanisms in place where we are constantly monitoring social media for disinformation, misinformation because that’s really been the biggest threat we’ve seen this election cycle,” he said.
All polling places in Wyoming will feature personal protective equipment for poll workers. Ballots will be filled out with disposable pens. Poll workers will regularly clean all machines and other surfaces.

Remember, it’s a great privilege and responsibility as a United States citizen to cast your vote for your candidates. Whether you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican or an independent, you need to be sure to take the time to vote and let your voice be heard.