Casper College hosts ‘Remembering Our Fallen Memorial’

The “National Remembering Our Fallen Memorial” will be at Casper College July 27-Aug. 5 in the Walter H. Nolte Gateway Center parking lot.
“The Casper College Veterans Club is honored and humbled to sponsor this beautiful memorial display at Casper College,” said Nicholas Whipps, Ed.D., veteran and international student coordinator at Casper College. According to Whipps, the memorial will be open around the clock from noon Monday, July 27, until it closes at noon Wednesday, Aug. 5. The memorial event is free and open to the public.
Whipps noted that a special memorial escort would take place Sunday, July 26. “This is an excellent opportunity for folks to honor the ‘National Remembering Our Fallen Memorial’ and escort it to Casper from Torrington. The escort is open to all modes of transportation, and fraternal organizations are welcome and encouraged to be a part of this event,” Whipps said. “Groups are asked to arrive one hour early, and the event will stage based on weather and vehicle type, with veterans taking priority,” he added.
According to Patriotic Productions, creators of the memorial, the “National Remembering Our Fallen Memorial” is an all-encompassing national memorial. It is a first-of-its-kind photographic war memorial that honors the United States’ military fallen who have died from wounds while deployed in The War on Terror since Sept. 11, 2001, through the present. The memorial consists of over 30 Tribute Towers supporting double-sided and full-color banners. Each Tribute Tower is 10 feet high and 5 feet wide and includes military and personal photos of the fallen.
The “National Remembering Our Fallen Memorial” was unveiled in September 2017 at the Lincoln Memorial steps in Washington, D.C. The memorial’s legacy is that these men and women will be remembered and that their names will be spoken, while helping to lessen the grief of their families as the memorial tours the nation, giving Americans across the country the opportunity to honor the nation’s fallen.
The memorial will cross the Nebraska state line into Wyoming and will arrive to a “Welcome to Wyoming” reception at the Torrington Travel Terminal in Torrington on July 26. At 9 a.m. the escort will leave the Torrington Travel Terminal and arrive at the Camp Guernsey Gate at 9:45 followed by Glendo at 10:20, Douglas at 11:10, Glenrock at 11:50, and finally the Casper Hat Six Travel Center at 12:20 p.m.
“There is no planned stop in Douglas, but the escort will swing off at Exit 135 to pick up riders at the Broken Wheel Truck Stop,” said Whipps. The contact for those wanting to be a part of the escort is John Petley at 307-262-6331. All modes of transportation are welcomed and encouraged from Torrington to Casper College. Bikers will stage first with all UTV’s and cagers to follow.
For more information on the event itself, contact Whipps at 307-268-2510 or