Wildlife series looks at Ice Age

“Ice Age Wildlife” is the topic for the January session of the Werner Wildlife Study Series Thursday, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m.
Russell Hawley, Tate Geological Museum education specialist, will look at what animals roamed the earth during the Ice Age, how they dealt with that era’s harsh conditions, and more.
As part of his work at the Tate, Hawley gives tours and produces artwork for museum displays. He also contributes a paleontology question and answer column to the museum’s bimonthly newsletter. He illustrated “Islands in the Cosmos: The Evolution of Life on Land,” written by paleontologist Dale Russell. Recently Hawley’s one-man art show, “A Thousand Unnamed Worlds,” was on display for a year at the Wyoming State Museum in Cheyenne.
“Ice Age Wildlife” is free and open to the public. The Werner Wildlife Museum is located off the Casper College campus at 405 E. 15th Street. For more information, call the museum at 307-235-2108 or email indiahayford@caspercollege.edu.