Advanced GIS poster presentations open to public

Casper College’s Advanced Geographic Information Systems class will give three poster presentations Wednesday, Dec. 4, from 4-6 p.m. on the second floor of the Walter H. Nolte Gateway Center.
“The students are given a real-world project that needs to be completed using GIS. The students work all semester on the project and present their work in a poster session at the end of the semester,” said Jeff Sun, GIS instructor.
The first poster project, “Building a Map of Casper College,” involved three students who were tasked with creating an online map of Casper College that faculty and administrators could use to look and show features of the college’s campus. The students mapped everything from the college’s property boundary, including light poles, landscape sprinkler features, roads, sidewalks, trails, gas lines, electric lines, water lines, and more. “The great thing about this map is that it is housed completely online and will be available to use when looking at a map of Casper College is necessary,” Sun said.
“Mapping the Light and other Electrical Features on the Casper College Campus” also involved three students who were asked to map all the light poles and transformers on the campus. The students walked around the Casper College campus and collected locations of all the light poles and transformers. The students also noted what kind of light was used and at night how far away from the pole the light shined. In essence, not only did the students plot out the locations of the poles and transformers, but they also built an illumination map that shows where light shines on the campus. According to Sun, that information will be useful in deciding if more lights are needed on campus.
The third and final presentation, “Mapping the Artwork on the Casper College Campus,” was taken on by two students who were tasked with mapping and cataloging all the art located on campus. The completed “story” map shows where each piece of artwork is located, along with photos and a short explanation of the artwork. “I think people will be surprised by how much art there really is displayed in all the buildings at Casper College. It was quite a project and great team effort between the two students and the Casper College Art Department,” said Sun.
The presentations are free and open to the public, and food and refreshments will be served. The Nolte Gateway Center is located on the Casper College campus.