‘NaNoWriMo’ Class Offered for Fall

Casper College photo.
A new special topics class at Casper College, “NaNoWriMo,” ENGL 2490, is being offered at Casper College for the fall 2019 semester.
The class will be taught by Jill Hughes, English instructor, and will challenge students to write 50,000 words in 30 days. NaNoWri Mo is a shortened version of the National Novel Writing Month held each November.
“In this full semester class, we’ll use the first three months to prepare for November’s NaNoWriMo challenge,” said Hughes. The focus “… will be on coming up with ideas, preparing for high-velocity writing, and assembling our writing survival kits,” Hughes noted.
In November, the class will write, do word sprints, and spur one another towards a crazy word count, according to Hughes. At the end of the course, students will celebrate their writing and “… look towards what the next steps are when we have our novel’s first draft completed,” Hughes noted, adding, “This is a challenging but doable goal, even for people with busy lives and no novel-writing experience. If you’re committed to writing a 50,000-word novel draft, join us to ride a whirlwind of creativity.”
The two-credit class will meet weekly on Tuesday beginning August 20 from 6-7:50 p.m. To register or for more information contact Hughes at 307-268-2383 or jhughes@caspercollege.edu.