Speaker Returns to CC by Popular Demand

Casper College image.
Popular speaker Lowell Catlett, Ph.D., is returning to Casper College by popular demand on Friday, March 1 for the 18th Annual Doornbos Lecture Series, with a presentation titled “The Technological Speedtrain has Departed – Get a Seat or Get Left Behind!”
Catlett, who is a consultant to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Interior, Defense, Labor, and the World Bank will speak on the upcoming advances of technology in the next decade, and how people will be able to adapt to those advances positively. Technologies to be covered in Catlett’s presentation include droid service robots, computers that can look at a person’s face and tell if that person has a disease, virtual vacations, computer printed homes and food, even droid doctors, nurses, and professors.
“We decided to bring Dr. Catlett back to the college for one more speaking engagement because he is so informed and so entertaining. Those who were in the audience when he was here in the past were really wowed by his presentation and gave us lots of positive feedback,” said Todd Jones, Doornbos Lecture Series director.
Dr. Catlett’s presentation is free and open to the public and will take place in the Sharon J. Nichols Auditorium beginning at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Jones at 307-268-3128 or tjones@caspercollege.edu. The Sharon J. Nichols Auditorium is located in the McMurry Career Studies Center on the Casper College campus.