Rattlesnakes Replace Ferris Mountains

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Werner Wildlife Museum’s Wildlife Study Series presentation on Thursday, Jan. 17 has been changed to “Slither, and Hiss: Rattlesnakes of Wyoming.”
The program will focus on the state’s two species of rattlesnakes, Crotalus viridus viridus, the prairie rattler, and Crotalus concolor, the midget faded rattler.
Biologist and Museum Assistant India Hayford will cover snake ecology, mythology, and close encounters of the slithery kind.
The talk originally scheduled, “Whose Pond is This, Anyway? A Look at the Ferris Mountains When no One is Around” has been rescheduled for Thursday, June 20.
The “Slither, and Hiss: Rattlesnakes of Wyoming” presentation will begin at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. The Werner Wildlife Museum is located off the Casper College campus at 405 E. 15th Street. For more information call the museum at 307-235-2108 or email indiahayford@caspercollege.edu.