Runners and Walkers Last Chance to Trek!

Ryan Dalton, left, Casper College student, and Troy Murray, Casper College alum, volunteered last year to carry the United States flag and the State of Wyoming flag during the Third Annual T-Bird Trek held on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017. Casper College photo.
Time is rapidly running out for those who want to run or walk in this year’s T-Bird Trek on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018.
The Fourth Annual T-Bird Trek will incorporate the newest section of the Platte River Trails system from Wyoming Boulevard to just before Garden Creek. “The Platte River Trails Trust loves that our community trails play host to dozens of runs each year that benefit local nonprofits. Events like the T-Bird Trek, and others, are a wonderful way for people to come together to support good causes, get some exercise, and enjoy our community’s wonderful trail system,” said Angela Emery, executive director of the Platte River Trails Trust.
Both runners and walkers are encouraged to participate and not only enjoy the beauty of the Casper College campus and surrounding environs, but to also help support scholarships for Casper College students, institutional grants, and alumni programs through the Casper College Foundation.
The fees are $70 for the half marathon, $50 for the 10k, and $40 for the 5k. Children 12 and under run free in the 5k with a registered adult. After the races, participants will be treated to live music from The Last Coyote, and breakfast burritos from Qdoba.
To register, go to, or contact Ann Dalton, associate director of development, at, 307-268-2325, or 800-442-2963, extension 2325.