Participants to Learn Mindfulness, Stress Management

Mindfulness and stress management techniques will be taught at Casper College through a four-week class at the college beginning Tuesday, July 10.
Koru Mindfulness will be taught by Joanne Theobald, director of counseling at Casper College.
Koru Mindfulness is an evidence-based curriculum designed for teaching mindfulness, meditation, and stress management. Participants will learn basic meditation practices, strategies for incorporating mindfulness into everyday life, and breathing techniques to relax and energize the body. “I believe Koru can help us be healthier, happier human beings, as well as give us the researched benefits of an increased ability to focus and concentrate on tasks, to manage stress and conflict, even to get a better night’s sleep,” said Theobald.
Participants are asked to bring a copy of the book “The Mindful Twentysomething” by Holly Rogers, which is appropriate for adults of all ages. The class will run from noon to 1 p.m. each Tuesday through July 31.
For more information contact Sarah Schneider, workforce learning specialist at 307-268-3847 or or to register for the class, go to