Theatre Scene Shop Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Theatre Electrician, Rigger

Reports to:

Kristen Zabriskie


First Come First Serve



Job Posting Date:


Job Summary and Responsibilities:

Come work in the Krampert Theatre Scene shop! You DO NOT have to be a theatre major to work in the shop. You will have the choice of being a carpenter/scenic painter or an electrician/rigger.
Carpenters/Scenic Painters: You will be building and painting the scenic elements for this season’s productions with a team of students and Kristen Zabriskie (technical director).
Theatre Electrician/Rigger: You will be in charge of hanging and focusing lights as well as any theatrical elements that need to be hung in the grid.

Minimum Qualifications:

Degree-seeking student, enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at CC or a partnership institution. Must be able to lift the weight of plywood the size of a 2x4x8. Must be able to assist the team in lifting scenery.
Must be willing to learn how to use all the tools in the scene shop.

Rigging: Must not have a fear of heights.

Must be able to follow the shop contract.

How to apply:

Visit Kristen Zabriskie at KT 106 or e-mail

Contact Person:

Kristen Zabriskie

Contact Phone:

EXT 2660

Contact Email:

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